How To Get The Job You Want

It doesn’t matter if you’re chasing an entry-level position or switching companies after decades in the workforce — job hunting is difficult. However before you throw your ambitions out the window and prepare to accept any offer which comes your way, think about changing your approach. These secrets to getting the job you want could very well be your ticket to professional bliss.


Through expanding your professional network, you are effectively opening yourself up to new career opportunities. You could find that when you have far more professional connections, more people will be able to recommend you to a new position. Even utilising your professional network for career advice can assist you with becoming a more qualified candidate. Utilise your connections as a resource in order to further develop as a professional.

Do Your Research

By no preparing you are preparing to fail. The candidates who look most appealing on paper and do well in an interview come over as prepared because they are. Here are some tips on how to perform research well:

  • Read up on the job or company that -you’re interested in and the range of responsibilities usually associated with it.
  • Brush up on recent news and trends within the industry.
  • Study the company that you’re applying with, including its website (pay specific attention to the mission or value statement and press releases so that you know what’s important to the company), social media, and email list or newsletter if relevant.
  • Practise for your sit-down long before it’s even scheduled.

Online Job Boards

What was once a noticeboard in your local library has extended into a wide network of job opportunities. Now that the majority of job postings are digital, it’s far easier to find the type of job that you’re looking for. You can utilise keywords to look for your intended job title. Similarly, many online job boards allow you to share your CV and cover letter directly with an employer.

Conduct A Few Informational Interviews

Informational interviews are the sit-downs which you have with people in your circle or career field who can provide guidance based on their own experiences in your industry. If you’re just finishing school or switching fields, an informational interview is nearly like a rapid-fire internship. It’s not as advantageous as real hands-on learning like you’ll get in the online bingo Australia offers, however the information you get from these interviews can be a significant factor in getting the job you want.

Get An Interview, Even If There Isn’t A Vacancy

If you’ve performed your research, you should have a list of target companies and people within those companies. You could spam them with your CV but there’s another way – the 15 minute chat and introductory email. This is modelled on a sales technique in “Sales on a Beermat” by Mike Southron and Chris West.

What you’re aiming to do is to get a face-to-face meeting with someone at your target company. It isn’t a job interview but it’s a positive step forward.